Fig House
宮城県女川町にある高白浜という小さな集落では、2011/3/11に起きた東日本大震災で30軒の住宅のうち29軒が津波で流されました。2年後の春、奇跡的に残った1軒の周りに 立ち枯れしていたイチジクの木が芽吹きました。こうしてこの1軒を改修し、塩害を受けた土地を開墾して、人々が集まるコミュニティ・スペースづくりが始まりました。

In the spring time 2 years after the disaster, damaged fig trees sprouted around the one house that was left after Tsunami. This encouraged local residents to come back to this place. Through the renovation of the house and the cultivation of the salt polluted field, the house becomes the community space where people come together and reconstruct the local relationship.
It was designed to reinforce the structure, to reducing the roof weight and to improve the thermal performance. It was also constructed by the local material like pine woods as well as by the most simple method which made any volunteer people coming from all over Japan.

(Photography : aaat)
In collaboration with :
Graphic design : Mari Inaba